Excel VBA Scheduled message pop up box reminder

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I want to write a script that sends a message box on a given day of the week at a specific hour. Monday at 10 a.m., for instance.

Sub Reminder()
    Dim time As Range
    Set time = Sheets("Main").Range("W11")

    If time.Value = "Monday 10:00" Then
        MsgBox "Time reminder"
    End If
End Sub

I have a cell in "W11" that is formatted to display the day and time and to match the if function in an attempt to make this work, but it still doesn't appear to want to. I'm not sure what I was doing differently, but I had it almost functioning earlier; however, the message box would appear every time I clicked for a whole minute and wasn't just one instance. It looks like it ought to be really easy.

Feb 3, 2023 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

1 answer to this question.

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What exactly does W11 contain? In Excel, formatting merely affects how the date appears; the date's actual contents remain unchanged. The appearance may be "Monday 10:00" while the content could be "1/1-2023 10:00." Therefore, W11 is not equivalent to "Monday 10:00."

The current code will also never function as expected unless it is executed exactly on Monday at 10 AM. To do that, you will need a time range, a constantly listing "listener," or the ability to check whether the current date and time are greater than Monday 10:00.
answered Feb 3, 2023 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

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