Yes, you can display the formula result—that is, the cell's value—in the comment of a chosen cell.
The value of each chosen cell is displayed as a remark if you include this code into your worksheet's code module. The preceding comment gets removed if you choose a different cell. Be mindful that this code will remove any further regular comments you add.
You can restrict this functionality, for instance, to a worksheet's predefined range or to cells with formulas.
Option Explicit
Private cmt As Comment
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim MonitoredCells As Range
Dim c As Range
' Comments are shown as red triangle, all hidden by default:
Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentIndicatorOnly
' Delete previous comment, if any
If Not cmt Is Nothing Then cmt.Delete
' limit this functionality to e. g. columns A:C by this:
Set MonitoredCells = Intersect(Target, Target.Parent.Range("A:C"))
If Not MonitoredCells Is Nothing Then
Set c = MonitoredCells(1) ' Do it for the first selected cell only
' limit this functionality to cells with formulas:
If c.HasFormula Then
If c.Comment Is Nothing Then
Set cmt = c.AddComment
Set cmt = c.Comment
End If
cmt.Text Text:=CStr(c.Value)
c.Comment.Visible = True
End If
Set c = Nothing
End If
End Sub
If the cell's formula contains CHAR(10) line feeds, then try to autosize the comment by this:
cmt.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
Autosizing is useless if the autosized comment is simply one line. If so, you can increase its size by applying the formula before displaying it. The size is 100.8 x 72 points by default. The text that follows doubles the width and increases the height roughly to the number of characters required, or at :
cmt.Shape.Width = 200
cmt.Shape.Height = WorksheetFunction.Max(72, 0.35 * cmt.Shape.TextFrame.Characters.Count)