we are trying to create a auto-login to https://netbanking.hdfcbank.com/netbanking/ but failed to pass the values to the text box
we tried with the code below but could not log in if any body please suggest what mistake I am doing it will be of great help to me.
Dim HTMLdoc As HTMLDocument
Dim oBrowser As InternetExplorer
Dim oHTML_Element As IHTMLElement
Dim sURL As String
sURL = "https://netbanking.hdfcbank.com/netbanking/"
Set oBrowser = New InternetExplorer
oBrowser.Silent = True
oBrowser.navigate sURL
oBrowser.Visible = True
Do 'Wait till the Browser is loaded...........................
Loop Until oBrowser.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
Set HTMLdoc = oBrowser.document
Sleep 2000
HTMLdoc.all("fldLoginUserId") = "45095398"
Do 'Wait till the Browser is loaded...........................
Loop Until oBrowser.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE