How to change the default number format in Excel

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I constantly have this column of string integers in the "generic" type. I have to change the spreadsheet's type to "number" each time I open it. But whenever I do it, two decimal points are automatically added. For instance, it transforms "12345" into "12345.00." The constant use of "Decrease Decimal" is kind of aggravating. Is it possible to alter the default mode in two different ways? 1) Always presume that a column is of type "number," not "generic." 2) Not to include a decimal point.
Dec 17, 2022 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

1 answer to this question.

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Excel Tips, Learn Excel \ Raghu R

Setting Formatting Options for Workbooks

Excel does not offer many options that allow you to set formatting defaults for your workbooks. However, you can work around this by modifying the formatting in a blank workbook, then saving it as the default template.

  1. Open Excel to a blank workbook.
  2. Format the blank file with all options desired. For example, set margins, cell color formats, or set up a header or footer. Make sure to remove any values you entered in cells to test formatting unless you want them to appear in every blank workbook.
  3. Once your changes are made, click on the File tab and choose Save As.
  4. From the “Files of type” drop-down list, select “Excel Template (*.xltx)” and change the file name to “Book.”

  5. Set the “Save in” location to theXLSTART folder. This folder is typically located in a path similar to C:Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office14/XLSTART.

    • The quickest way to find its location is to use the Immediate window in the Visual Basic Editor (VBE), as follows:
    • Press Alt+F11 to launch the VBE.
    • If the Immediate window isn’t visible, press Ctrl+G.
    • In the Immediate window, type ? application.StartupPath and press Enter.
    • VBA will display the path to XLStart.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Quit and re-open Excel. The blank workbook should contain the formatting you previously set.

I hope this helps you. 

answered Dec 17, 2022 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

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