How can I print variable and string on same line in Python

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I am using python to work out how many children would be born in 5 years if a child was born every 7 seconds. The problem is on my last line. How do I get a variable to work when I'm printing text either side of it?

Here is my code:

currentPop = 312032486
oneYear = 365
hours = 24
minutes = 60
seconds = 60

# seconds in a single day
secondsInDay = hours * minutes * seconds

# seconds in a year
secondsInYear = secondsInDay * oneYear

fiveYears = secondsInYear * 5

#Seconds in 5 years
print fiveYears

# fiveYears in seconds, divided by 7 seconds
births = fiveYears // 7

print "If there was a birth every 7 seconds, there would be: " births "births"

Sep 17, 2018 in Python by bug_seeker
• 15,510 points

1 answer to this question.

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Use , to separate strings and variables while printing:

print "If there was a birth every 7 seconds, there would be: ",births,"births"

, in print statement separtes the items by a single space:

>>> print "foo","bar","spam"
foo bar spam

or better use string formatting:

print "If there was a birth every 7 seconds, there would be: {} births".format(births)

String formatting is much more powerful and allows you to do some other things as well, like : padding, fill, alignment,width, set precision etc

>>> print "{:d} {:03d} {:>20f}".format(1,2,1.1)
1 002             1.100000
  0's padded to 2


>>> births = 4
>>> print "If there was a birth every 7 seconds, there would be: ",births,"births"
If there was a birth every 7 seconds, there would be:  4 births

>>> print "If there was a birth every 7 seconds, there would be: {} births".format(births)
If there was a birth every 7 seconds, there would be: 4 births
answered Sep 17, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,020 points

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