Where does Hyperledger fabric store the public key and private key of the user

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What is the role of pubkey & privkey in fabric networks and how are they stored and accessed? In org1.yaml, we have mentioned paths for credentialStore and cryptoStore. What type of files for the user gets stored here? Isn't it the pubkey and privkey of the user stored in cryptoStore? How is privkey accessed in the network for performing a txn? Or how does the user provide the privkey while performing a txn?
Mar 11, 2022 in Blockchain by Soham
• 9,710 points

1 answer to this question.

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It signs the transaction (eg. initiated by an application user, with an associated blockchain identity, issued by his/her org) with its private key and includes its public key in the transaction payload sent to peers and/or orderers. Peers and orderers (part of the Fabric blockchain network) then verify the signatures using the public key in the transaction. A state/credential store would be used to store the public certificates for enrolled identities that the application needs to use, whereas the crypto store would be used to store the private keys of identities and there are different types of stores available when using the client SDK
answered Mar 24, 2022 by Rahul
• 9,680 points

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