By typing in the Name Box, you may easily give the chosen cells a name. There are a few guidelines for Excel names.
Choose the cell(s) that will be renamed.
To the left of the formula bar, click the Name box.
Fill in a one-word name for the list, such as FruitList.
Enter the code.

When you're generating a name in Excel, follow these Microsoft guidelines.
A name's initial character must be a letter underscore (_) backslash (\).
Letters and numerals might make up the rest of the name.
Characters are highlighted by periods.
It is not permitted to do the following:
As part of a name, no space characters are permitted.
A$35 or R2D2 are examples of names that do not appear like cell phone numbers.
Excel employs the letters C, c, R, and r as selection shortcuts; they can't be used as names.
There is no distinction between upper and lower case for names. North and NORTH, for example, are used interchangeably.