While editing an existing Azure DevOps wiki page and if clicked on the Insert a file icon to add files Pic1.png, Pic2.png, Pic3.png, I observed that the returned path for each is (N.B. I've deliberately added the space between ] and ( so it shows correctly here)
![Pic1.png] (/.attachments/Pic1-5d8168e5-b287-433e-91e0-17b5581f486a.png)
![Pic1.png] (/.attachments/Pic2-408decae-ab26-4b68-80d2-8d53f9f15cba.png)
![Pic1.png] (/.attachments/Pic3-dd225b4f-4f1d-4644-80e9-057787d5264d.png)
Where do the bold guides come from?
![Pic1.png] (/.attachments/Pic1.png)
![Pic2.png] (/.attachments/Pic2.png)
![Pic3.png] (/.attachments/Pic3.png)
then attach the files (images).