How to connect Raspberry Pi and lighting the LED

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I am trying to connect my raspberri pi with Google IoT Cloud solutions using Weave. I have done it already using AWS and IBM Bluemix, but could not find a way to do the same using Google Cloud. As per their documentation, it seems that some of the fies have been deprecated or not been updated. Moreover, they have been written in C language and I am not much of a C guy. I used Python for both the IBM Bluemix and AWS to connect my Pi to IoT and then establish the subscriber and exchange messages using MQTT gateway. Can anyone suggest anything regarding this?

Google Weave getting started

To be more specific, certain packages which I saw in error logs while installing the below step:

make -C examples/host/light

it showed in logs the message like

could not find lldap
could not find llssh2

Even after installing them in my developer machine.

Due to error above, the below command


is not executed as the location


is not created by the above make command. Any suggestions for this?

Jul 23, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Matt
• 2,270 points

1 answer to this question.

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You might want to try instead to use the new Google Cloud IoT Core product instead of Weave - full disclosure, I worked on it. It's currently in public beta and enables the scenarios you're trying to address. You should be able to use MQTT to communicate to/from your device.

There's a high-level overview of the platform on YouTube as well as an industrial applications focused talk from Google I/O.

answered Jul 23, 2018 by anonymous2
• 4,240 points

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