I use Notepad++ for code editing, I need an ...READ MORE
Consider: $xml = "l"; $xml = "vv"; echo $xml; This will ...READ MORE
I wanted to know the version of ...READ MORE
How can I create an object in ...READ MORE
Can someone please explain the recursive function ...READ MORE
In PHP the variable of type integer ...READ MORE
What is the difference between call by ...READ MORE
This is the hashed output "bWNgAQW2FLc" I ...READ MORE
The variable: "$num_rows" is not even being ...READ MORE
I have this array: $fruit = array('apple','orange','grape'); How can ...READ MORE
The HTML document I have renders perfectly fine ...READ MORE
I am using code $enrypt=md5($pass) and inserting ...READ MORE
I have this script on one free ...READ MORE
I have 2 images. one face image ...READ MORE
dsihhidsvhhdi READ MORE
How can I generate Controller and Model ...READ MORE
Possible duplicate: where we use object operator “->” ...READ MORE
What is the Fundamental difference between these ...READ MORE
I am working on creating config file ...READ MORE
I want to increase the maximum execution time in ...READ MORE
I am working on creating a product ...READ MORE
php artisan cache:clear Is there any workaround to ...READ MORE
What is function overloading and function overriding? ...READ MORE
I'm using Apache2, php5, and MySQL. Every time I try ...READ MORE
I want to get the length of ...READ MORE
I want to use __dir__. I don't ...READ MORE
What is the best way to connect ...READ MORE
What is autoload in PHP? READ MORE
I have two arrays like this: array( '11' ...READ MORE
I have an array named players, what ...READ MORE
I have created a login and register ...READ MORE
How can I check the version of ...READ MORE
I wanted to increase my list of ...READ MORE
How can I profile a PHP script? I tried the microtime function: then ...READ MORE
I want to generate a 6-digit random ...READ MORE
I downloaded a 64-bit version of xampp ...READ MORE
How can I remove part of a ...READ MORE
The callback function in array_filter() only passes in the ...READ MORE
what is the best way to typecast ...READ MORE
Can someone please suggest to me an ...READ MORE
I want to decode a JSON string ...READ MORE
I stored emojis in my database and ...READ MORE
Is it possible to merge multiple pdf ...READ MORE
How can I convert an array like ...READ MORE
I am getting this error when I ...READ MORE
I want to test my PHP file ...READ MORE
I am getting 504 timeout messages from ...READ MORE
I have encoded an Array I've made using ...READ MORE
When I use: session_name( 'fObj' ); session_start(); _SESSION['foo'] = 'bar'; Subsequently ...READ MORE
How does PHP or any other language ...READ MORE
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