i need to write some mapreduce pattern ...READ MORE
You need to add your current user ...READ MORE
If you are simply looking to distribute ...READ MORE
Please remove -f option from hive arguments and use hql extension ...READ MORE
By default, only one reducer is assigned ...READ MORE
This was a fundamental issue in HDFS ...READ MORE
No, the data node does not select ...READ MORE
Each reducer uses an OutputFormat to write ...READ MORE
For HBase Pig integration, you can refer ...READ MORE
Hey, The zookeeper is used to maintain the ...READ MORE
About integrating RDBMS with Hadoop, you can ...READ MORE
Hey, Creating children is similar to creating new ...READ MORE
Yes, it is possible to do so. ...READ MORE
Hey, Hive contains significant support for Apache Spark, ...READ MORE
The heartbeat interval is 3 seconds by ...READ MORE
You have to configure 2 files for ...READ MORE
Yes, InputFormatClass and OutputFormatClass are independent of ...READ MORE
There are different ways to do this. ...READ MORE
The format for connection string for Oracle ...READ MORE
Hi, You can check this example to see ...READ MORE
Hi, Spark uses GraphX for graph processing to ...READ MORE
To resolve this issue, follow the steps ...READ MORE
Hi, You can try this: ALTER TABLE foobar_data CHANGE ...READ MORE
When there is space in data nodes ...READ MORE
Hi. The properties are right but in ...READ MORE
With pig, we are not taking data ...READ MORE
The default execution engine for Hive is mr. To ...READ MORE
If you want to limit your hadoop ...READ MORE
The Pig storage is not used only ...READ MORE
Hey, While creating a table the TBLPROPERTIES clause is used ...READ MORE
You are getting the issues probably because ...READ MORE
Below is what happens with the map-reduce ...READ MORE
This behavior is because Hive by default ...READ MORE
In order to merge two or more ...READ MORE
Job job = new Job(conf,"job_name") is just used ...READ MORE
Hi, yes, you can do it by using ...READ MORE
To connect to HiveServer2 in HTTPS mode ...READ MORE
JDBC client requires a connection URL as ...READ MORE
You can add the months using the add_months method ...READ MORE
The format for the connection string and ...READ MORE
Hi. Here are the steps you can ...READ MORE
Let us consider a student database table ...READ MORE
I found some comments: from the Hadoop ...READ MORE
The format of the connection string is: jdbc:postgresql://<HOST>:<PORT>/<DATABASE_NAME> You ...READ MORE
Hey, If the Oozie_URL environment variable has not ...READ MORE
Hey, Hive subquery is a select expression enclosed ...READ MORE
Please use the below command to solve ...READ MORE
Hi. To add mysql database in the config, open ...READ MORE
Hey, Basically, hive-site.xml file has to be configured ...READ MORE
To set the Impala server details, you ...READ MORE
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