Hi@dani, You can find the euclidean distance using ...READ MORE
What allows spark to periodically persist data ...READ MORE
Hey, @Ritu, According to the question, the answer ...READ MORE
Hi@ritu, Spark DStream (Discretized Stream) is the basic ...READ MORE
Hi@ritu, Spark's internal scheduler may truncate the lineage of the RDD graph if ...READ MORE
Hi@Prasant, If Spark Streaming is not supporting tuple, ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, Since Avro library is external to Spark, ...READ MORE
Hi @Ritu If you want to see the ...READ MORE
Hi@ritu, Fault tolerance is the property that enables ...READ MORE
Hi, I need help with my code. Trying ...READ MORE
Hi, I am able to understand your requirement. ...READ MORE
A Dataframe can be created from an ...READ MORE
Hi@Ruben, I think you can add an escape ...READ MORE
error: expected class or object definition sc.parallelize (Array(1L, ...READ MORE
Hi@Edureka, Checkpointing is a process of truncating RDD ...READ MORE
Hi, @Ritu, According to the official documentation of Spark 1.2, ...READ MORE
Hi@ritu, To start your python spark shell, you ...READ MORE
17)from the given choices, identify the value ...READ MORE
Hi@ritu, AWS has lots of services. For spark ...READ MORE
Hi@ritu, The most appropriate step according to me ...READ MORE
Option d) Run time error. READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can write the spark dataframe in ...READ MORE
What does the below code print? val AgeDs ...READ MORE
Option D: String class READ MORE
Option c) Run time error - A READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, When we try to retrieve the data ...READ MORE
After executing your code, there is an ...READ MORE
Hey, @Ritu, I am getting error in your ...READ MORE
rror: expected class or object definition sc.parallelize(Array(1L,("SFO")),(2L,("ORD")),(3L,("DFW")))) ^ one error ...READ MORE
spark do not have any concept of ...READ MORE
What is the output of the following ...READ MORE
option d, Runtime error READ MORE
Hi, @Ritu, List(5,100,10) is printed. The take method returns the first n elements in ...READ MORE
Hi@khyati, You are getting this type of output ...READ MORE
Hi@dani, As you said you are a beginner ...READ MORE
Hi@Ganendra, I am not sure what's the issue, ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, To convert pyspark dataframe into pandas dataframe, ...READ MORE
This type of error tends to occur ...READ MORE
Hi@Manas, You can read your dataset from CSV ...READ MORE
Hi@Shllpa, In general, we get the 401 status code ...READ MORE
var>x.split(",")) or val names=rd ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, I think your HDFS cluster is not ...READ MORE
Hi@Srinath, It seems you didn't set Hadoop for ...READ MORE
Hi@Ganendra, As you said you launched a multinode cluster, ...READ MORE
Hi@Neha, You can find all the job status ...READ MORE
package com.dataguise.test; import; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.spark.SparkContext; import org.apache.spark.SparkJobInfo; import ...READ MORE
Hi@Deepak, In your test class you passed empid ...READ MORE
The missing driver is the JDBC one ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, This error occurs because your python version ...READ MORE
I have used a header-less csv file ...READ MORE
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