Azure IoT Hub supports three protocols: AMQP, ...READ MORE
I do this by creating a DHCP ...READ MORE
I'm using IBM Bluemix Services to develop ...READ MORE
This is a way I can think ...READ MORE
I am currently going through the "Quick ...READ MORE
I don't have one of those devices ...READ MORE
MQTT is designed to be a fast ...READ MORE
You connect as a device -> import ibmiotf.device. ...READ MORE
AllJoyn offers about announcement service through which ...READ MORE
I think you're almost correct and on ...READ MORE
This is an architectural choice. IoT applications ...READ MORE
I see no reason why it shouldn't ...READ MORE
You'll have to understand that an Arduino ...READ MORE
Essentially, we need to record a regular ...READ MORE
I think that's because of the way ...READ MORE
Currently, there is no such out of ...READ MORE
Try something like this: private static String states ...READ MORE
Am I missing something? Most definitely. The example ...READ MORE
Oh man, that was a heck of ...READ MORE
It indicates that you don't have admin ...READ MORE
Intel Galileo Key Features: Type: Single-Board Computer CPU: Intel Quark ...READ MORE
down vote I've verified the tutorial works on ...READ MORE
To clarify what Gillian said about 4 ...READ MORE
All great questions. (Full disclosure I work ...READ MORE
No, Thing identifier does not account for ...READ MORE
If it's a small system, and you ...READ MORE
Verify none of your custom user controls ...READ MORE
It's not clear what you are using ...READ MORE
From what I could analyze, you've been ...READ MORE
It is not recommended to deploy the ...READ MORE
BACnet defines a multitude of transport protocols ...READ MORE
Architecturally, IoTivity had four fundametal units: Discovery, ...READ MORE
You can only open a couple of ...READ MORE
To test and analyze any protocol information ...READ MORE
IoT Hub exposes device to cloud messages ...READ MORE
Architecture: IoTivity provides 4 basic components: Discovery Data transmission Data Management Device ...READ MORE
Perhaps this was solved by more recent ...READ MORE
Subversion is more or less the gold ...READ MORE
Please explain better your problem. In Arduino-Esp8266 String ...READ MORE
If you learned something like C (c# ...READ MORE
It could have been use full if ...READ MORE
No, there isn't a command line presented ...READ MORE
Actually, it does not depend on OS. ...READ MORE
Here is an explanation that best fits ...READ MORE
Your description of what you did is ...READ MORE
Indeed, HTTP won't allow you to use ...READ MORE
So, you can send 234212441325454543595674859764 in ASCII, ...READ MORE
It depends on the higher-level protocols (above ...READ MORE
It seems like you are trying to ...READ MORE
Well, I think there are some \r ...READ MORE
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