These folders have different meanings in Jenkins. If you upload or download any file with Jenkins Jobs, then those files you can find in the workspace directory.
[root@localhost workspace]# pwd
[root@localhost workspace]# ls
Dynamic_Node1 Job2
[root@localhost Job2]# pwd
[root@localhost Job2]# ls
deployment.yml Dockerfile Dockerfile.txt file index.html sshd_config
On other hand, your Jenkins job can build multiple times. So every build will store in the Jobs directory. Just go through the above two directories, you will get the concept.
[root@localhost jobs]# pwd
[root@localhost jobs]# ls
Dynamic_Node1 Dynamic_Node2 Job1 Job2 Job3
[root@localhost jobs]# cd Job1/
[root@localhost Job1]# ls
builds config.xml nextBuildNumber