Error missing value where TRUE FALSE needed

0 votes

Hi everyone

During run a special package, I encounter this error

Error in if (func.lambda(lower, X2, df, b = bb) * func.lambda(l.upper,  :
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

main Code is 

RMSEAfun <- function (X2, df, N, CI)
  bb <- (1 - CI)/2
  lower <- 0
  l.upper <- X2
  u.upper <- max(N, X2 * 5)
  if (func.lambda(lower, X2, df, b = bb) * func.lambda(l.upper,
                                                       X2, df, b = bb) > 0) {
    l.lambda <- 0
  else {
    l.lambda <- uniroot(f = func.lambda, lower = lower, upper = l.upper,
                        X2 = X2, b = bb, df = df)$root
  if (func.lambda(lower, X2, df, b = CI + bb) * func.lambda(u.upper,
                                                            X2, df, b = CI + bb) > 0) {
    u.lambda <- 0
  else {
    u.lambda <- uniroot(f = func.lambda, lower = lower, upper = u.upper,
                        X2 = X2, b = CI + bb, df = df)$root
  return(c(sqrt(l.lambda/(N * df)), sqrt(u.lambda/(N * df))))

How can i save my life?

Aug 23, 2020 in Others by nimarah
• 120 points

1 answer to this question.

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Hello @ nimarah,

Your error seems to be in the line specified: 

if (func.lambda(lower, X2, df, b = bb) * func.lambda(l.upper,X2, df, b = bb) > 0) {

It appears your comparison is returning NA instead of one of TRUE/FALSE. You are probably running into something simillar to: if(NA >0) 

So to understand the fact and fix your snippet you have two option:

It is optimistic to comment out some line that throws an error and hope that the remainder of the code will work just fine.

Or,set options(error=recover) to trigger the debugger when an error is found, so you can investigate and understand the problem more easily. 

You can also check :

if (func.lambda(lower, X2, df, b = bb) * func.lambda(l.upper,X2, df, b = bb)== "Na") {
  //print true

Hope it helps!!
Thank you!!

answered Aug 24, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,840 points

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