I can access the url using php like <?php echo URL::current(); ?> but I guess it is not possile for @if blade statement.. so I wanted to access url through laravel?how can i do it?
Hello @ subham ,
If you want to access the current url inside an @if statement in laravel just use the below syntax:
@if(Request::url() === 'your url here') // code.............. @endif
Hope it helps!! Thank you!
Hello @subham,
if you want to use url in list blade you can do something like this:
<li class="{{ Request::is('mycategory/', '*') ? 'active' : ''}}">
Hello @ subham,
Yes,you can use in both unorder and ordered list as well. Alternate method you can use is:
<li{!!(Request::is('your_url')) ? ' class="active"' : '' !!}> or <li @if(Request::is('your_url'))class="active"@endif>
Hope it helps!! Thank you!!
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