is there any way of getting all data in hyperledger fabric before we start the ledger

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hi everyone I am having one doubt if we start the docker container  in hyperledger fabric  ./  we lost all data which we stored in ledger. for example: In production environment some issues occured so that container need to start it again  in that sceanrio we lost all  users data which stored in ledger. is there any way of backup method is there to retrieve all data in hyperledger fabric. once we start the container again we need to retrieve the data again we need to store the docker. please help me .

Thanks in advance
May 22, 2020 in Blockchain by harinishree
• 150 points

2 answers to this question.

0 votes
Hi, @Harinishree,

If you use the ./startFabric script directly to run the network. It first kills the existing network before starting a new one. you can modify the script to make sure it just stops the nodes instead of deleting them. Also, you can take a backup from the volumes before you stop the network.
answered Jun 3, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points
0 votes

Hey, @Harinishree,

You can also do one thing, bind volumes to your host machine. So that when you restart your peer service again it doesn't lose all the data.

answered Jun 4, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points

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