Network error Connection timed out or Error connecting to instance in AWS

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Hi Guys,

I launched an EC2 instance in AWS. But I am not able to connect it from my local system. It shows me the below error. 

Network error: Connection timed out or Error connecting to [instance]

How can I solve this error?

Apr 28, 2020 in AWS by akhtar
• 38,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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Check your security group rules. You need a security group rule that allows inbound traffic from your public IPv4 address on the proper port.

To avoid this you can follow the below given steps.

  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Instances, and then select your instance.

  3. In the Description tab at the bottom of the console page, next to Security groups, select view inbound rules to display the list of rules that are in effect for the selected instance.

  4. When you select view inbound rules, a window will appear that displays the port to which traffic is allowed. Verify that there is a rule that allows traffic from your computer to port 22 (SSH).

Hope this will help You.

answered Apr 28, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points

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