Whenever you see “Connection refused” error, it’s clear that one of the necessary service is not running properly.
To fix the issue,
$ vi /etc/nova/nova.conf
Lookout for ‘enabled_apis‘ and its value ‘ec2,osapi_compute,metadata‘
Remove ‘metadata’ from ‘enabled_apis’
Now, you are good to start both ‘openstack-nova-api‘ and ‘openstack-nova-metadata-api‘. Both the service will run individually.
In case, if you wish to start ‘metadata-api’ along with ‘openstack-nova-api’ then leave ‘enabled_apis’ with values as ‘ec2,osapi_compute,metadata’ and stop ‘openstack-nova-metadata-api‘ from starting during the system boot. To do that, you can just run the below commands.
$ chkconfig openstack-nova-metadata-api off
$ chkconfig openstack-nova-api on
Hope this will work.
Thank You