I have 7 year of experience in teaching computer subject in college school students gap 5 years need which course will help me

+1 vote
I have been in the computer teaching field and right now I am not much updated with the latest technology. As kids r going to school so I have time to get back to my career.

In my area school teaching, doesn't pay much. So if I want to do freelancing or a job in the corporate sector what would be the option I can start with?

I have heard of data science. But the fees structure and all are too high so without exploring it I don't think I should invest in hurry.

Please guide me.
Feb 20, 2020 in Career Counselling by anonymous
• 130 points
Data science is one of the booming techs as per the current stats and will continue to be so in the long run. This is one such domain which has lucrative career prospects in the IT sector so a little investment of your time and money can take you places. I bet you wouldn't regret it!
Thank you so much

2 answers to this question.

0 votes


I will be frank, you have too much experience for a regular CSE course. And ex-cse is useful only if you are able to capitalize on your current work and further your career in same/similar/related field.

You should first start with all the cse core subjects like data structure,Design and analysis of algorithm,and any programming language(c,c++) etc. After recollecting all the concept you can kick start you carrier back and you can then cope up with recent technology after having all basic fundamental knowledge.

In order you want to know about the latest technology check out the link- Edureka Courses

If you want to learn data science you can also check out the link: Data Science Certification course

All the best for you career and happy learning!!

answered Feb 20, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,840 points
Sure will check the link. Thank you so much
0 votes


I tell you, career Gap is just a Professional Stain. Practically it doesn’t matter. What matters is your skills. I myself learned a little about this and since I had a gap in my career, it did help in boosting up my career. To start your career again, firstly you should have these qualities:

  • Good Knowledge of Domain Subject.
  • Excellent Communication Skills.
  • Confidence level.

As you are going to start your career with a computer-background, I would suggest you start with technologies like JAVA or PYTHON. About DATA SCIENCE that you can figure out later, first you can start with something which is in business now. You can learn JAVA or PYTHON with the help of online videos and blogs. Once you get the expertise regarding these technologies, you can start your career from your home itself. There are many 3rd party freelancing firms who provide teaching profession from your home itself and they pay you well. With these, you will be able to manage both your profession and personal life.

Once you get back your pace, then according to that you can think about what future goals.

I hope this information will be helpful for you, happy learning.

answered Feb 20, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points
Thank you so much . Nice guidance you gave

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