For my use case i should take screenshots, navigate pages, perform click, submit forms and i will be using java as programming language.
i have done some research on this.
I'm confused between these 6 options:
1. HTML Unit - a. is it possible to take screenshots? b. is it possible to run htmlunit without using selenium?
2. PhantomJS - can we run it without unit ghostdriver/phantomjsdriver/selenium from java code?
3. CasperJs - a. can we run it from without using selenium from java code? b. do we need to install this software or just having it as a dependency will work?
4. SlimerJs - a. can we run it from without using selenium from java code? b. do we need to install this software or just having it as a dependency will work?
5. Headless firefox - a. is it possible to run without installing browser b. can we run using java
6. Headless chrome - a. is it possible to run without installing browser b. can we run using java
7. Splash - a. can we run it from without using selenium from java code? b. do we need to install this software or just having it as a dependency will work?