I am a BI developer Sql server MSBI PowerBI wants to learn azure technologies could you please let me know which technologies I have to learn for being a Azure developer

+1 vote
I am a BI developer(Sql server,MSBI & PowerBI) ,wants to learn azure technologies ,could you please let me know I have to learn which technologies  for being a Azure developer
Nov 7, 2019 in Azure by Sudharshan
• 140 points

1 answer to this question.

+2 votes

Hello @Sudarshan, you'll have to have the following skills

  1. Since you are working on a Microsoft platform, you'll need to have a good knowledge of MS products
  2. Good understanding of cloud computing is a must. If you have worked on AWS or GCP, it'll make things easier for you.
  3. Hands-on experience on Migration.
  4. Hands-on experience with creating user roles.
  5. Good knowledge of Programming(Javascript, SQL Server, HTML)
  6. Hands-on experience on Azure services

Supercharge your business intelligence skills with our MSBI Course – Enroll now!

answered Nov 14, 2019 by Eric

Thank a lot Eric

Glad to help.. If this answer has helped you please do upvote the answer. It'll help me get more points and a better reputation on Edureka Community.

There's any other doubt, feel free to ask :)

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