Need more information about sales force

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Here my questions:
1. Can I know about pay for sales force as a fresher and experience (respectively for administration and developing)?
 2. Can I know whether it needs complete coding knowledge or else enough to know the exact required things.

Here My interest :
I will work on coding but not the entire work should be with coding like don't want to be with coding life..

Can you please suggest any valuable information . It should be more helpful to proceed further...

Thanks balaji
Oct 27, 2019 in Cloud Computing by balaji
• 120 points

1 answer to this question.

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Hi @Balaji,

There are 6 main job roles wrt Salesforce - Salesforce Administrator, Salesforce Developer, salesforce Technical Architect, Business Analyst, Marketing Manager, Sales Manager.

Salesforce Administrator - 2.5LPA to 4LPA for freshers and 3.5LPA to 15LPA (based on company, seniority and your skills)

Salesforce Developer - Salesforce developer usually gets paid more than salesforce Admin, 2.5LPA to 6LPA for freshers and 5.5LPA to 21LPA. (based on company, seniority and your skills)

Salesforce has two main domains

Salesforce Admin and Salesforce Dev

Admin basically requires you to know how to work with all the salesforce services on a very high level, managing different users and their access privileges, creating custom apps and dashboards, etc. This does not require you to have any programming skills. I am sure your next question would be how do I develop apps without coding? Well, salesforce provides a very GUI based app development platform called the Lightning PLatform which lets you create apps using simple click, drag and drop feature. 

Salesforce Dev domain is a little more technical which requires you to know APEX. So if you do not like coding it's better to go for a salesforce administrator. 

Hope it works!!

If you need to know more about Salesforce, It's recommended to join Salesforce Training course.


answered Oct 28, 2019 by Kalgi
• 52,350 points

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