I m not a programmer but want to learn python need a direction Need HELP

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I'm not a programmer and need to get a job... where and how do I start with Python.. can anyone help? I have actually already spent 5 years in a different career as an accountant but no growth... need a direction. Any suggestions would really help!!
Sep 6, 2019 in Career Counselling by pulkit

edited Sep 8, 2019 1,384 views
Glad that you're choosing Python to start off your programming career. Python is the most easy to learn language as it's syntax is very easy and you don't have to write hundreds of lines of code to perform something simple.

Python has so many libraries to perform various operations and you can use it for different purposes. You can do data analytics using python, then you can also use it for scripting and backend development. Go for websites like TutorialsPoint, Codecademy, LearnPython etc. to start off with python
Why don't you check Java? Java is one of the most used programming languages and there are a lot of opportunities.
Hey @Raman. I did check Java. I was confused whether to learn Python or Java and I did my research and got to know that Python is easy to learn and a lot of people prefer Python over Java. So decided to go with Python.

3 answers to this question.

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There are plethora of resources online that would help you learn python from the scratch.

Refer to : https://www.learnpython.org/

This has a hand on session as well. You could further explore the youtube videos available online that could give you rich material to gain expertise in python in a short duration.

Also try solving online challenges, this would make you a python Pro!

answered Sep 9, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
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Pulkit, There are many online trainings and institutions available to learn python such as DataCamp, Coursera, Edureka, Udacity, etc. Since you are from a different domain, it will take time to learn but practice makes a man perfect.

Follow the below steps:

1. Learn python step by step either training or self-paced along with video tutorials so that you will cover in depth and breadth of a topic.

2. Practice and understand every code you learn and work on it.

3. Post your doubts in any python community where professionals or experienced people would help you answer your doubts.

4. Clear your doubts on the same day. Do not drag the topic or doubt later.

5. Work and practice on some python real examples or sample projects.

6. Check out challenges or any solved challenges and try to solve such as problems in hackerrank or hacker earth.

Hope it helps!
answered Sep 9, 2019 by Cherukuri
• 33,030 points
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There are two ways of learning python - either start learning from books and many online available resources or take up a certifies course.

At the end of the day, you need the required skills and knowledge. Getting a certified course has many advantages over self-learning

  • Guidance
  • Structured syllabus
  • Hands-on demonstrations
  • projects
  • Globally accepted certificate
answered Sep 9, 2019 by Junaid

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