Puppet in Docker Can i run puppet in docker on windows

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Can i run linux docker containers having puppet on windows? How's this possible?
Aug 20, 2019 in Puppet by vicky

1 answer to this question.

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With the release of the recent Docker for windows beta, it's possible to run Linux docker containers, including Puppet-in-Docker, on Windows. 

This isn't the same as the native Windows container support coming in Server 2016 but is still useful for local development purposes. 

  • To run Puppet in Docker on windows you'll first need to sign up for the Docker beta and install it on your Windows machine.

  • With docker running, open up a PowerShell prompt and create a docker network:

docker network create puppet
  • We can then run a copy of Puppet Server. The standalone part refers to the fact this image does not automatically connect to PuppetDB. In other cases you may prefer the puppet/puppetserver image.

docker run --net puppet --name puppet --hostname puppet puppet/puppetserver-standalone
  • The container should boot and once it is running, run a simple puppet agent in another container. 

  • Open up a second PowerShell window and run:

docker run --net puppet puppet/puppet-agent-ubuntu

For a detailed understanding refer to: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-in-docker-examples/tree/master/developing-in-docker-on-windows

answered Aug 20, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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