- The docker module has an example task that allows a user to initialize, join and leave a swarm.
bolt task run docker::swarm_init listen_addr= adverstise_addr= ---nodes swarm-master --user <user> --password <password> --modulepath <module_path>
docker swarm init --advertise-addr= --listen-addr=
Swarm initialized: current node (w8syk0g286vd7d9kwzt7jl44z) is now a manager.
- To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-317gw63odq6w1foaw0xkibzqy34lga55aa5nbjlqekcrhg8utl-08vrg0913zken8h9vfo4t6k0t
- To add a manager to this swarm, run docker swarm join-token manager and follow the instructions.
Ran on 1 node in 4.04 seconds
bolt task run docker::swarm_token node_role=worker ---nodes swarm-master --user <user> --password <password> --modulepath <module_path>
Ran on 1 node in 4.02 seconds
bolt task run docker::swarm_join listen_addr= adverstise_addr= token=<swarm_token> manager_ip= --nodes swarm-02 --user root --password puppet --modulepath /tmp/modules
This node joined a swarm as a worker.
Ran on 1 node in 4.68 seconds
bolt task run docker::swarm_leave --nodes swarm-02 --user root --password puppet --modulepath --modulepath <module_path>
Node left the swarm.
Ran on 1 node in 6.16 seconds