The JENKINS_HOME organizer contains a document named config.xml. At the point when security is empowered, this record contains an XML component named useSecurity that will be set to true.
By changing this setting to false, security will be handicapped whenever Jenkins is restarted. <useSecurity>false</useSecurity>
The incapacitating security ought to dependably be both a final retreat and a brief measure. When any conformation issues are settled, make certain to re-empower Jenkins security and reboot the CI server.
Folow the steps below :
Go to $JENKINS_HOME in the file system and discover the config.xml document.
Open this document in the editorial manager.
Search for the <useSecurity>true</useSecurity> component in this document.
Supplant true with false
Expel the components authorization strategy and security realm
Start Jenkins
At the point when Jenkins returns, it will be in an unsecured mode where everybody gets full access to the framework.