I appreciate your decision, its the perfect step to start Fullstack Development.
Node.js is an open source server environment which uses JavaScript on the server to develop backend applications.
The definition itself clears that its all about JavaScript, so developing a proper understanding of JavaScript is necessary to go ahead with Node.js.
You can start it with: https://youtu.be/o1IaduQICO0
Now next you should have sufficient knowledge of CSS and HTML.
CSS and HTML are required to enhance the look and feel of your application(frontend).
You can also use this link for reference: https://youtu.be/3_9znKVNe5g and https://youtu.be/88PXJAA6szs
After this familiarity with database management systems is also required . For this you can opt either MongoDB or MySQL DBMS
If you have all these equipments in your tool box then surely you can fix any issue that you might face while learning Node.js
I hope this helps you :)
Happy Learning:)
To know more about Node JS, It's recommended to join Node JS Course today.