How to setup Chrome driver with Selenium on MacOS

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How to setup Chrome driver with Selenium on MacOS?
Jul 18, 2019 in Selenium by Nushrat

4 answers to this question.

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Hey Nushrat, setting up Chrome driver with Selenium is an easy task for Windows OS, but in MacOS you have follow this procedure:

  1. Download the Chrome drivers for MAC from here:

  2. Now, in MAC navigate to one directory called /usr/local/:

  3. In the above folder, check if bin folder is there or not. If not, create a bin folder and copy the driver in /usr/local/bin :

And that's it. you have configured the chrome driver for Selenium. The good thing here is that we don’t have to remember the path variable like in Windows.

For further understanding, you can refer to the Selenium Certification.

answered Jul 18, 2019 by Anvi
• 14,150 points
+1 vote
Hi Nushrat,

In MacOs follow the steps and u will get the chrome set up ::

First and foremost check if any Antivirus is running. If so, Disable it.

Second check the version of your chrome and make it latest to be in ur pc.

Third get the chrome driver for the version of chrome  u are using (like i used version 84 so got chrome driver for same version)and put the .exe file in the /usr/local/bin folder.

If u cant find the /usr/local/bin then go to the terminal type:: chflags nohidden ~/usr

Go to finder press CMD+Shift_G and go to the /usr/local/bin path and now paste the chrome driver .exe file.

Now it shall surely run the webdriver.Chrome()

All The Best!
answered Aug 9, 2020 by Shipra
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System PATH Setup

  1. Open up Terminal.
  2. Run sudo nano /etc/paths.
  3. Enter your password.
  4. Go to the bottom of the file and enter the path you wish to add.
  5. My PATH looks like: /Users/myname/Documents/WebDriver.
  6. Control-x to quit.
  7. Y to save.
  8. Press enter to confirm
answered Dec 16, 2020 by Roshni
• 10,480 points
0 votes

Installing ChromeDriver on macOS

Installing on macOS:

Listed in order of easiest to hardest install, these are the best ways to install ChromeDriver on a Mac:

  • The easiest way to install ChromeDriver is to use your package manager such as brew or npm to install the driver.
    • In your terminal window with the Homebrew package manager:
      • Install ChromeDriver with brew cask install chromedriver
      • Confirm it was installed using chromedriver --version and seeing it returns a version. If it errors it wasn’t installed
    • Other package managers like npm have similar commands npm install chromedriver
  • Run Chrome & ChromeDriver in a container using Docker. Simply download the combined container, start it and point your code at the right address.
  • Specify it in your Selenium setup code and check it into source control like any other configuration detail. If you go this route, you can include additional drivers like GeckoDriver (aka Firefox) as well.
  • Download the driver and add its location to your System PATH.

Which methods have you found the easiest or most success with? Which methods didn’t work for you? Please leave a comment below. 

answered Dec 16, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points

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