Hey @Ruby, here's how you can do it :
$ az container create --resource-group #yourResourceGroup# --name #yourinstancename# --image #acrLoginServer#/#appname#:v1 --cpu 1 --memory 1 --registry-login-server #acrLoginServer# --registry-username #acrName# --registry-password #acrPassword# --dns-name-label #labelname# --ports 80
$ az container show --resource-group #yourResourceGroup --name #yourappname# --query instanceView.state
When the container is in the Running state, input the FQDN of the container instance in browser to check whether the application has deployed successfully.
get FQDN from the Overview blade of Azure Container instances via the Azure Portal
$ az container show --resource-group #yourResourceGroup# --name #yourappname# --query ipAddress.fqdn