What if Resource Manager fails

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Hi. I am new to Hadoop and I was studying about the daemons. I started all the daemons and I saw that the ResourceManager was being turned off automatically. I solved that error but my question is what will happen if it fails on a Live system?
Jun 20, 2019 in Big Data Hadoop by Janan

1 answer to this question.

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Failure of the resource manager is serious because, without it, neither jobs nor task containers can be launched. In the default configuration, the resource manager is a single point of failure, since, in the (unlikely) event of machine failure, all running jobs fail—and can’t be recovered. 

To achieve high availability (HA), it is necessary to run a pair of resource managers in an active-standby configuration. If the active resource manager fails, then the standby can take over without significant interruption to the client.

Information about all the running applications is stored in a highly available state store (backed by ZooKeeper or HDFS), so that the standby can recover the core state of the failed active resource manager. Node manager information is not stored in the state store since it can be reconstructed relatively quickly by the new resource manager as the node managers send their first heartbeats.

When the new resource manager starts, it reads the application information from the state store, then restarts the application masters for all the applications running on the cluster. This does not count as a failed application attempt (so it does not count against yarn.resourcemanager.am.max-attempts), since the application did not fail due to an error in the application code, but was forcibly killed by the system.

answered Jun 20, 2019 by John

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