Does Java allow to create static classes

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If it is possible - what is the meaning of such a class. Do all the methods of the static class need to be static too?

Is it required the other way round, that if a class contains all the static methods, shall the class be static too?

What are static classes good for?
May 17, 2018 in Java by Parth
• 4,640 points

2 answers to this question.

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n votceJava has static nested classes but you need a top-level static class. Java has no way of making a top-level class static but you can simulate a static class like this:

  • Declare your class final - Prevents extension of the class since extending a static class makes no sense
  • Make all the members and functions of the class static - Since the class cannot be instantiated no instance methods can be called or instance fields accessed
  • Make the constructor private - Prevents instantiation by client code as it makes no sense to instantiate a static class

Note that the compiler will not prevent you from declaring an instance (non-static) member. The issue will only show up if you attempt to call the instance member

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answered May 17, 2018 by sharth
• 3,370 points
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Java has "static nested classes", but they are not at all the same as C#'s static classes, if that's where you were coming from.

A static nested class is just one which doesn't implicitly have a reference to an instance of the outer class.

Static nested classes can have instance methods and static methods.

There's no such thing as a top-level static class in Java.
answered Sep 5, 2018 by Sushmita
• 6,920 points

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