What is the best advice for a fresher looking for a Job

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What is the best advice for a fresher looking for a Job? Please share you opinion. Thank you in advance.
Feb 14, 2019 in Career Counselling by Rishikesh Ankit

4 answers to this question.

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For a fresher the best advice will be, don't compromise on the domain you want. Don't compromise with the job role you are looking for and also prepare yourself with all the fundamentals so that you don't miss your opportunity.

That will be the best suggestion for a fresher.

All the best
answered Feb 14, 2019 by Sahil
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Hey Rishikesh, if you are a fresher looking for job, its most important to keep in mind which domain or field you are interested in. Because no matter how good company or salary you are being offered, but if you aren't happy with your work, your life will be a big mess. So before applying for any job just thoroughly go through the job descriptions, roles and responsibilities expected out of that job and think through whether you really want to work for that specific role or not.

Also, keep your skills sharp and have a sound knowledge of what you are going to apply for. Nobody expects a master in any technology but atleast you should have your basics clear. While looking out for job, keep on reading and exploring new fields too, so that you can get a better idea which all other fields are there which might interest you.
answered Mar 29, 2019 by Prakash
0 votes

Being a fresher, be keen to learn new things, no one will expect to much knowledge from you. But try to make sure that whatever you are learning, first concentrate on the basics of that particular domain because companies will ask only basics.

Keep track with the upcoming technologies so that you can add something more to yourself, and you should able to say something about it ,so that the person who will take your interview should understand that you have a dedication towards new things.

keep learning, work hard a bit, do not waste your time, success will come to you.

answered Apr 2, 2019 by subham
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 As a fresher, do not focus on salary package that much because you need to learn. Try to update your profile regularly. Try to be updated with new technology coming up every day. But choose to domain very well, so that you do not regret after taking it, otherwise, you might be in trouble. Do not lose the opportunity which comes on your way.

answered Jun 25, 2019 by Gitika
• 65,770 points

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