How to handle drop downs using Selenium WebDriver in Java

+1 vote

I'm trying to select certain options from a drop-down menu. The source code is:

<div class="multi ng-isolate-scope" isteven-multi-select="" input-model="genders" output-model="filter.genders" button-label="name" item-label="name" tick-property="ticked" on-select-all="search()" on-select-none="search()" on-item-click="search()" output-properties="id">
<span class="multiSelect inlineBlock buttonClicked">
<button id="" type="button" ng-click="toggleCheckboxes( $event ); refreshSelectedItems(); refreshButton(); prepareGrouping; prepareIndex();" ng-bind-html="varButtonLabel" ng-disabled="disable-button" class="ng-binding">None Selected<span class="caret"></span></button>
    class="checkboxLayer show">
    <!-- ngIf: helperStatus.filter || helperStatus.all || helperStatus.none || helperStatus.reset -->
    <div class="helperContainer ng-scope" ng-if="helperStatus.filter || helperStatus.all || helperStatus.none || helperStatus.reset ">
      <!-- ngIf: helperStatus.all || helperStatus.none || helperStatus.reset -->
      <div class="line ng-scope" ng-if="helperStatus.all || helperStatus.none || helperStatus.reset ">
        <!-- ngIf: helperStatus.all --><button type="button" class="helperButton ng-binding ng-scope" ng-disabled="isDisabled" ng-if="helperStatus.all" ng-click="select( 'all', $event );" ng-bind-html="lang.selectAll">✓&nbsp;&nbsp;Select All</button>
        <!-- end ngIf: helperStatus.all -->
        <!-- ngIf: helperStatus.none --><button type="button" class="helperButton ng-binding ng-scope" ng-disabled="isDisabled" ng-if="helperStatus.none" ng-click="select( 'none', $event );" ng-bind-html="lang.selectNone">×&nbsp;&nbsp;Select None</button>
        <!-- end ngIf: helperStatus.none -->
        <!-- ngIf: helperStatus.reset --><button type="button" class="helperButton reset ng-binding ng-scope" ng-disabled="isDisabled" ng-if="helperStatus.reset" ng-click="select( 'reset', $event );" ng-bind-html="lang.reset">↶&nbsp;&nbsp;Reset</button>
        <!-- end ngIf: helperStatus.reset -->
      <!-- end ngIf: helperStatus.all || helperStatus.none || helperStatus.reset -->
      <!-- ngIf: helperStatus.filter -->
      <div class="line ng-scope" style="position:relative" ng-if="helperStatus.filter"><input placeholder="Search..." type="text" ng-click="select( 'filter', $event )" ng-model="inputLabel.labelFilter" ng-change="searchChanged()" class="inputFilter ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched" style=""><button type="button" class="clearButton"
          ng-click="clearClicked( $event )">×</button> </div>
      <!-- end ngIf: helperStatus.filter -->
    <!-- end ngIf: helperStatus.filter || helperStatus.all || helperStatus.none || helperStatus.reset -->
    <div class="checkBoxContainer">
      <!-- ngRepeat: item in filteredModel | filter:removeGroupEndMarker -->
      <div ng-repeat="item in filteredModel | filter:removeGroupEndMarker" class="multiSelectItem ng-scope vertical" ng-class="{selected: item[ tickProperty ], horizontal: orientationH, vertical: orientationV, multiSelectGroup:item[ groupProperty ], disabled:itemIsDisabled( item )}"
        ng-click="syncItems( item, $event, $index );" ng-mouseleave="removeFocusStyle( tabIndex );" style="">
        <!-- ngRepeat: i in numberToArray( item[ spacingProperty ] ) track by $index -->
        <div class="acol"><label><input class="checkbox focusable" type="checkbox" ng-disabled="itemIsDisabled( item )" ng-checked="item[ tickProperty ]" ng-click="syncItems( item, $event, $index )"><span ng-class="{disabled:itemIsDisabled( item )}" ng-bind-html="writeLabel( item, 'itemLabel' )" class="ng-binding">&nbsp;Male</span></label></div>
        <!-- ngIf: item[ groupProperty ] !== true && item[ tickProperty ] === true -->
      <!-- end ngRepeat: item in filteredModel | filter:removeGroupEndMarker -->
      <div ng-repeat="item in filteredModel | filter:removeGroupEndMarker" class="multiSelectItem ng-scope vertical" ng-class="{selected: item[ tickProperty ], horizontal: orientationH, vertical: orientationV, multiSelectGroup:item[ groupProperty ], disabled:itemIsDisabled( item )}"
        ng-click="syncItems( item, $event, $index );" ng-mouseleave="removeFocusStyle( tabIndex );">
        <!-- ngRepeat: i in numberToArray( item[ spacingProperty ] ) track by $index -->
        <div class="acol"><label><input class="checkbox focusable" type="checkbox" ng-disabled="itemIsDisabled( item )" ng-checked="item[ tickProperty ]" ng-click="syncItems( item, $event, $index )"><span ng-class="{disabled:itemIsDisabled( item )}" ng-bind-html="writeLabel( item, 'itemLabel' )" class="ng-binding">&nbsp;Female</span></label></div>
        <!-- ngIf: item[ groupProperty ] !== true && item[ tickProperty ] === true -->
      <!-- end ngRepeat: item in filteredModel | filter:removeGroupEndMarker -->
      <div ng-repeat="item in filteredModel | filter:removeGroupEndMarker" class="multiSelectItem ng-scope vertical" ng-class="{selected: item[ tickProperty ], horizontal: orientationH, vertical: orientationV, multiSelectGroup:item[ groupProperty ], disabled:itemIsDisabled( item )}"
        ng-click="syncItems( item, $event, $index );" ng-mouseleave="removeFocusStyle( tabIndex );">
        <!-- ngRepeat: i in numberToArray( item[ spacingProperty ] ) track by $index -->
        <div class="acol"><label><input class="checkbox focusable" type="checkbox" ng-disabled="itemIsDisabled( item )" ng-checked="item[ tickProperty ]" ng-click="syncItems( item, $event, $index )"><span ng-class="{disabled:itemIsDisabled( item )}" ng-bind-html="writeLabel( item, 'itemLabel' )" class="ng-binding">&nbsp;Not Recorded</span></label></div>
        <!-- ngIf: item[ groupProperty ] !== true && item[ tickProperty ] === true -->
      <!-- end ngRepeat: item in filteredModel | filter:removeGroupEndMarker -->

After doing some research, I realized they all use "", but the source code doesn't have 'id', so I used XPath instead but still it does not work. 

Select gender = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"offenderListView\"]/div/div[1]/ul/form/div[2]/span/button")));
Mar 27, 2018 in Selenium by code_ninja
• 6,300 points

1 answer to this question.

0 votes

First, find an XPath which will return all values in the drop-down. Then using List, you can select any value.

List<WebElement> myElements = driver.findElements(mySelector);
   for(WebElement e : myElements) {
     if(e.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("Your_Desire_Value")) {;

Note:- click on the drop-down first using simple click operation and then use the above code. You may you also need to apply focus if the value is present deep below in the list.

answered Mar 27, 2018 by nsv999
• 5,500 points

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