Can anyone tell me how to used SSL LTS for mqtt

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Using paho mqtt stack to add encrypted SSL key, please anyone suggest me how create & add certificate both side(client/server).

my publish/sub mqtt app struct is -

    /** The eyecatcher for this structure.  Must be MQTS */
    char struct_id[4];
    /** The version number of this structure.  Must be 0, or 1 to enable TLS version selection. */
    int struct_version;

    /** The file in PEM format containing the public digital certificates trusted by the client. */
    const char* trustStore;

    /** The file in PEM format containing the public certificate chain of the client. It may also include
    * the client's private key.
    const char* keyStore;

    /** If not included in the sslKeyStore, this setting points to the file in PEM format containing
    * the client's private key.
    const char* privateKey;
    /** The password to load the client's privateKey if encrypted. */
    const char* privateKeyPassword;

    * The list of cipher suites that the client will present to the server during the SSL handshake. For a
    * full explanation of the cipher list format, please see the OpenSSL on-line documentation:
    * If this setting is ommitted, its default value will be "ALL", that is, all the cipher suites -excluding
    * those offering no encryption- will be considered.
    * This setting can be used to set an SSL anonymous connection ("aNULL" string value, for instance).
    const char* enabledCipherSuites;

    /** True/False option to enable verification of the server certificate **/
    int enableServerCertAuth;

    /** The SSL/TLS version to use. Specify one of MQTT_SSL_VERSION_DEFAULT (0),
    * Only used if struct_version is >= 1.
    int sslVersion;

     * Whether to carry out post-connect checks, including that a certificate
     * matches the given host name.
     * Exists only if struct_version >= 2
    int verify;

     * From the OpenSSL documentation:
     * If CApath is not NULL, it points to a directory containing CA certificates in PEM format.
     * Exists only if struct_version >= 2
    const char* CApath;
Jan 31, 2019 in IoT (Internet of Things) by @Babu99

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