Exposing kubernetes app using AWS Elastic LoadBalancer

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I have a kubernetes cluster with following service created with Type: LoadBalancer -
(Source reference: https://github.com/kenzanlabs/kubernetes-ci-cd/blob/master/applications/hello-kenzan/k8s/manual-deployment.yaml)

    apiVersion: v1
    Kind: Service
     name: hello-kenzan
     app: hello-kenzan
      - port: 80
        targetPort: 80
       app: hello-kenzan
       tier: hello-kenzan
     type: LoadBalancer

    apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
    kind: Deployment
      name: hello-kenzan
        app: hello-kenzan
        type: Recreate
            app: hello-kenzan
            tier: hello-kenzan
          - image: gopikrish81/hello-kenzan:latest
            name: hello-kenzan
            - containerPort: 80
              name: hello-kenzan

After I created the service with -

    kubectl apply -f k8s/manual-deployment.yaml
    kubectl get svc

It is showing External-IP as `<pending>`
But since I have created a loadbalancer type, why isnt it creating an ip?

FYI, I can access the app using `curl <master node>:<nodeport>`
Or even I can access it through proxy forwarding.

**UPDATE as on 29/1**

I followed the answer steps as mentioned in this post https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50668070/kube-controller-manager-dont-start-when-using-cloud-provider-aws-with-kubeadm

1) I modified the file "/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf" by adding the below command under [Service]

    Environment="KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS=--cloud-provider=aws --cloud-config=/etc/kubernetes/cloud-config.conf

And I created this cloud-config.conf as below -


I am not sure what for this Tag and ID refer to but when I run the below command I can see the output mentioning clusterName as "kubernetes"

    kubeadm config view

Then I did executed,

    systemctl daemon-reload
    system restart kubelet

2) Then as mentioned in that, I added `--cloud-provider=aws` in both kube-controller-manager.yaml and kube-apiserver.yaml

3) I also added below annotation in the manual-deployment.yaml of my application


Now, when I deployed using `kubectl apply -f k8s/manual-deployment.yaml` the pod itself is not getting created when I checked with `kubectl get po --all-namespaces`

So I tried to remove step 2 above and again did deployment and now pod was getting created successfully. But still it is showing `<pending>` for EXTERNAL-IP when I did `kubectl get svc`

I even renamed my master and worker node to be same as EC2 Instance Private DNS: ip-10-118-6-35.ec2.internal and ip-10-118-11-225.ec2.internal as mentioned in below post and reconfigured the cluster but still no luck.
https://medium.com/jane-ai-engineering-blog/kubernetes-on-aws-6281e3a830fe (under the section : Proper Node Names)

Also, in my EC2 instances, I can see IAM role attached and when I see the details for that, I can see there are 8 policies applied to that role. And in one of the policy I can see this below and many other Actions are there which I am not posting here -

       "Action": "elasticloadbalancing:*",
       "Resource": "*",
       "Effect": "Allow"

I am clueless if some other settings I am missing. Please suggest!

**UPDATE as on 30/1**

I did the below additional steps as mentioned in this blog - https://blog.scottlowe.org/2018/09/28/setting-up-the-kubernetes-aws-cloud-provider/

1) Added AWS tags to all of my EC2 instances (master and worker nodes) as "kubernetes.io/cluster/kubernetes" and also to my security group

2) I havent added apiServerExtraArgs, controllerManagerExtraArgs and nodeRegistration manually in configuration file. But what I did was I reset the cluster entirely using `"sudo kubeadm reset -f"` and then I added this in kubeadm conf file in both master and worker nodes -

    Environment="KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS=--cloud-provider=aws --cloud-config=/etc/kubernetes/cloud-config.conf

cloud-config.conf -

Then executed in both master and worker nodes -

    systemctl daemon-reload
    system restart kubelet

3) Now I created the cluster using below command in master node

    sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= --apiserver-advertise-address=

4) Then I was able to join the worker node to the cluster successfully and deployed flannel CNI.

After this, get nodes showed Ready status.

One important point to note is that there is kube-apiserver.yaml and kube-controller-manager.yaml files in /etc/kubernetes/manifests path.

When I added `--cloud-provider=aws` in both of these yaml files, my deployments was not happening and pod was not getting created at all. So when I removed the tag `--cloud-provider=aws` from kube-apiserver.yaml, deployments and pods were success.

When I did modify the yaml for kube-apiserver and kube-controller-manager, both the pods got created again successfully. But since pods were not getting created, I removed the tag from kube-apiserver.yaml alone.

Also, I checked the logs with `kubectl logs kube-controller-manager-ip-10-118-6-35.ec2.internal -n kube-system`

But I dont see any exceptions or abnormalities. I can see this in last part -

    IO130 19:14:17.444485    1 event.go:221] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Deployment", Namespace:"default", Name:"hello-kenzan", UID:"c........", APIVersion:"apps/v1", ResourceVersion:"16212", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'SuccessfulCreate' Created pod: hello-kenzan-56686879-ghrhj

Even tried to add this below annotation to manual-deployment.yaml but still shows the same `<Pending>`

Jan 31, 2019 in Kubernetes by Gopi
• 120 points

Actually both my loadbalancer as well as EC2 instances are in same VPC.

From my local machine now I am able to access this URL 
What I did was - 1) health check was failing in HTTPS 443 port and 2) Installed web server nginx in my EC2 Instance.
So installing nginx and opening SSL port automatically resolved health check issue and I am able to browse the internal LB URL using https.

But still my original problem of creating a loadbalancer using kubernetes svc is not resolved :frowning:
It still shows pending. But my doubt is since both EC2 instance and LB are in same VPC, why isnt traceroute internal-myservices-987070943.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com not tracing. I am getting all * * * for all 30 hops. But from my local machine I am able to trace it successfully. So this is the issue why its not creating any external ip ?

1 answer to this question.

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Hey @Gopi, 

Try creating a LoadBalancer pod maybe nginx and then create a service using this LoadBalancer pod. 

Also about this,

When I added `--cloud-provider=aws` in both of these yaml files, my deployments was not happening and pod was not getting created at all. So when I removed the tag `--cloud-provider=aws` from kube-apiserver.yaml, deployments and pods were success.

It clearly mentions in the documentation,

kube-apiserver and kube-controller-manager MUST NOT specify the --cloud-provider flag. This ensures that it does not run any cloud specific loops that would be run by cloud controller manager. In the future, this flag will be deprecated and removed.

kubelet must run with --cloud-provider=external. This is to ensure that the kubelet is aware that it must be initialized by the cloud controller manager before it is scheduled any work.

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answered Jan 31, 2019 by Kalgi
• 52,350 points
Ok to make it simple, I created aws application load balancer myservices and I got following DNS name listed in aws console - internal-myservices-987070943.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com

I also has Target Groups created and showing below under Description -
Name as myservices-LB, Protocol as HTTPS , port as 443, Target type as instance, Load Balancer as myservices
Under Targets tab I can see Registered targets showing my Instance ID as i-02dbf9b3a7d9163e7 with Port as 443 and other details.. This instance ID is my ec2 instance which I have configured as master node of my kubernetes cluster.

Now when I try to access LB DNS name directly with the URL - internal-myservices-987070943.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com/api/v1/namespace s/default/services
I am getting "This site can't be reached"

Whereas if I proxy forward from my master node instance using kubectl proxy -- address --accept-hosts '.*'
And then if I access directly my master node ip as below I am able to browse -

Isn't it possible to access kubernetes services deployed either as NodePort or Loadbalancer Type to be accessible using direct AWS Loadbalancer DNS name??
I even tested the connectivity using tracert internal-myservices-987070943.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com
And I can successfully reach destination in 18 hops

But from my ec2 master node instance it is not tracing. Normally I have proxy set with this command - "export {http,https,ftp}_proxy=http://proxy.ebiz.myorg.com:80"
And I can access even external urls.
Could this be an issue?
Also I wonder how is it when nginx installed in my EC2 instance is able to access my LoadBalancer but Traceroute is not able to access it.

Is it possible to directly access my service using Loadbalancer which I manually created via AWS console?? Maybe with NodePort or ingress or something..??

Only these logs I can see related to AWS in controller logs - 1 aws.go:1041] Building AWS cloud-provider 1 aws.go:1007] Zone not specified in configuration file; querying AWS metadata service. Also, I don’t see this policy in my I am role… “Action”: “s3:", “Resource”: [ "Arn:AWS:s3::: kubernetes-” can this be an issue?

Now after a certain amount of time I see this below log started occurring… 1 controller manager.gi:208] error building controller context: cloud provider could not be initialized: could not init cloud provider “aws”: error finding instance i-02dbf9b3a7d9163e7: “error listing AWS instances: “RequestError: send request failed\ncaused by: Post ec2.us-east1.amazonaws.com: dial tcp i/o timeout””
This is absolutely right, if you are using an external CCM provider like with k3s, you must set the --cloud-provider to external. Since the provider will not link to your master nodes. Spin up a worker node and connect it to your cluster. During that connection, in k3s, you can specify the ProviderID. This must be done for every instance you wish to be added as a target!

It looks like this in k3s:

--kubelet-arg="provider-id=aws:///$(curl -s$(curl -s"

You can also do this manually by editing the node and setting the spec.ProviderId
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