Can a C program be written in R programming language

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I have a C program which I want to write using R programming language. Is this possible? I have already coded the algorithms in C language, can I directly convert them to R or do I have to build my code again using R?
Jan 5, 2019 in Data Analytics by Tyrion anex
• 8,700 points

3 answers to this question.

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Yes, you can convert a C program to an R program. R provides 1000s of packages with pre defined algorithm, you don't even have to code your algorithms, you only have to load the libraries.
answered Jan 5, 2019 by Sophie may
• 10,620 points
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Yes, you can convert c program to R-program easily. For example, you have C programming that you think to change in R programming. you want to call from an R script. Specifically, you wish to pass data from R into the C, and using function call you can function return the results to r environment

syntax:-ComputeFunctionR(ScalarParam, InputVector)
answered Mar 27, 2019 by SA
• 1,090 points
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If you have a algorithm you can easily wirte the code in any language the condition is you may know about the language. Algorithm never changes only implementation changes in different language. So if want to code in R language from c language it is quiet easy unless you may know the R programming language.
answered Apr 9, 2019 by anonymous

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