User Identity Management in Ethereum using ERC725

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Need help to implement User Identity Management in Ethereum. I have several users and need to store their details on Ethereum Blockchain. I also want to manage Authentication when they login to the Dapp (Decentralized Application) on top of Ethereum. How can I use ERC725/ERC735 to implement this?
Dec 28, 2018 in Blockchain by digger
• 26,740 points

1 answer to this question.

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The identity consists of two main parts:

  1. Keys that owns and controls the identity
  2. Claims that belong to that identity.

ERC725: Identity Keys

Is used to manage unique identity for humans, groups, objects, and machines. This identity can hold keys to sign actions (transactions, documents, logins, access, etc), and claims, which are attested from third parties (issuers) and self-attested (#ERC735), as well as a proxy function, to act directly on the blockchain.

ERC735: Identity Claims

It describes standard functions for adding, removing and holding of claims. These claims can be attested from third parties (issuers) or self-attested. This standardized claim holder interface will allow Dapps and smart contracts to check the claims about a claim holder. Trust is here transferred to the issuers of claims.

The relation between ERC725 and ERC735

ERC 735 deals with the management of claims made about an ERC 725 identity. It facilitates an emergence of a web of trust, by relying on the claims of trusted third parties about a given identity.

The following is the inheritance diagram showing how the standards could be implemented. Note that the 'final' identity smart contract inherits both functionalities of ERC 725 and ERC 735:

Here is the sample project code which uses ERC725 in ethereum for Identity management.:

answered Dec 28, 2018 by Omkar
• 69,220 points

I understand that the implementation at is outdated. There is ERC725 (version2). The old ERC725 (version1) has been moved to ERC734.

So can anyone help to explain further?

Hey, @Azian,

So you want to understand the relation between the versions ERC725 to ERC734?

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