Start-up vs large company

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I have done my computer science engineering and was just wondering whether it's better to get into a start-up over a large company?
Nov 16, 2018 in Career Counselling by Ali
• 11,360 points

2 answers to this question.

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Startups generally offer more freedom and less micromanaging. This also means that you’ll necessarily receive less guidance, and will need to be able to figure stuff out, learn, and make progress under your own power.

In a big company, you’re likely to experience more structure, and be expected to follow very clearly defined pre-existing processes. Your job scope will likely be more focused than it would be at a startup. You’ll experience less freedom in general, but also more certainty in what’s expected of you.

In the end, especially at the beginning of your career, don’t put too much stock in choosing one or the other. If you like the company, big or small, give it a try. If you’re not happy there after a few months, then try another one. No career decision is ever permanent.
answered Nov 16, 2018 by Maverick
• 10,840 points
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Hey @All, I completely agree with Maverick. Joining a start-up or a big company at the start of your career is based on what kind of job offer you are getting and what is your way or working.

Start-ups usually have fast-paced environments and every person is responsible for their work. So you get to learn a lot of new technologies while working in a start-up but sometimes it gets hectic as you generally have to figure out things on your own and keep working to finish off things in given deadlines. In start-ups you can learn well how to take ownership of your work.

While working in an MNC or a big company is a completely different environment, as they have a systematic order for everything and for every project there's a team which you would be a part of. So the responsibilities would be divided and you would have some someone to mentor or help you, if you get stuck in something.

So, think through how you like to work and whether you want to master 1 single technology or you want to learn and work on various new technologies.

I hope this would clear your doubt.
answered Mar 29, 2019 by Anvi
• 14,150 points

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