To accurately calculate the Average Customer Purchase Frequency while considering only unique customers, you need a DAX measure that correctly handles duplicate customer records.
DAX Measure for Average Purchase Frequency
Average Purchase Frequency =
VAR UniqueCustomers = DISTINCTCOUNT( Sales[CustomerID] )
VAR TotalPurchases = COUNT( Sales[OrderID] )
DIVIDE( TotalPurchases, UniqueCustomers, 0 )
DistinctCount( Sales[CustomerID] ) → Counts customers unique and ignores repetitions, thus making sure that there is no duplication in what is counted.
Count( Sales[OrderID] ) → Counts the total number of purchases, that is, orders made.
Divide( TotalPurchases, UniqueCustomers, 0 ) → Gives average purchases by dividing total purchases by the unique customers, leaving no division errors.
Impact on Accuracy and Performance
Ensures Unique Customer Count- In case of duplicate customer records, it prevents the numbers from becoming inflated.
Efforts In Calculation: The calculated methodology uses optimized aggregation functions for best performance.
Dynamic and Scalable- It works across filters and slicers, with everything changing under the light of the applied conditions.