How to run a Python 3 script in OWASP ZAP

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OWASP ZAP is a security testing tool used for web application security. How can a Python 3 script be executed within OWASP ZAP for automation and testing?
Mar 5 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Anupam
• 12,620 points

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OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy) is a widely used tool for web application security testing. While ZAP supports scripting through Jython (a Python 2.7 implementation in Java), it does not natively support running Python 3 scripts within its internal scripting environment.

However, you can utilize Python 3 to automate and control ZAP externally by interacting with its REST API. This approach allows you to leverage Python 3's capabilities for automation and testing tasks.

Using Python 3 to Control OWASP ZAP via the REST API

  1. Install the ZAP Python API Client

    To interact with ZAP using Python 3, install the ZAP Python API client (python-owasp-zap-v2.4) using pip:

    pip install python-owasp-zap-v2.4
  2. Start OWASP ZAP

    Launch ZAP in daemon mode to run it without the graphical user interface:

    java -jar zap.jar -daemon

    Alternatively, start ZAP normally and ensure the API is enabled.

  3. Configure the API Key

    Set or retrieve the API key in ZAP:

    • Navigate to Tools > Options > API in the ZAP interface.
    • Generate or note the existing API key.
  4. Develop the Python 3 Script

    Use the ZAP Python API client to interact with ZAP. Here's an example script that performs a basic scan:

    from zapv2 import ZAPv2
    import time
    # Configuration
    api_key = 'your_api_key_here'
    zap_proxy = ''
    target_url = ''
    # Initialize ZAP instance
    zap = ZAPv2(apikey=api_key, proxies={'http': zap_proxy, 'https': zap_proxy})
    # Access target URL
    time.sleep(2)  # Wait for the URL to be loaded
    # Start Spider
    print(f'Starting Spider on {target_url}')
    spider_id = zap.spider.scan(target_url)
    # Wait for Spider to complete
    while int(zap.spider.status(spider_id)) < 100:
        print(f'Spider progress: {zap.spider.status(spider_id)}%')
    print('Spider completed')
    # Start Active Scan
    print(f'Starting Active Scan on {target_url}')
    scan_id = zap.ascan.scan(target_url)
    # Wait for Active Scan to complete
    while int(zap.ascan.status(scan_id)) < 100:
        print(f'Active Scan progress: {zap.ascan.status(scan_id)}%')
    print('Active Scan completed')
    # Retrieve and display alerts
    alerts = zap.core.alerts(baseurl=target_url)
    for alert in alerts:
        print(f"Alert: {alert['alert']}, Risk: {alert['risk']}")

    This script performs the following actions:

    • Initializes a connection to the ZAP proxy using the provided API key and proxy settings.
    • Accesses the target URL to ensure ZAP is aware of it.
    • Initiates a spider scan to crawl the website and discover pages and links.
    • Performs an active scan to identify vulnerabilities.
    • Retrieves and displays the alerts (vulnerabilities) found during the scans.


  • API Key Matching: Ensure that the API key used in your Python script matches the one configured in ZAP.

  • Error Handling: Implement appropriate error handling in your script to manage exceptions and ensure robust execution.

  • Performance: Be mindful of the resources consumed by ZAP during scans, especially for large or complex applications, to avoid performance issues.

By following this approach, you can effectively use Python 3 to automate and control OWASP ZAP for web application security testing.

answered Mar 5 by CaLLmeDaDDY
• 22,940 points

edited Mar 6

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