How is data transmission done in the OSI model

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I want to understand how data moves through the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model when two devices communicate. My questions are:

  • What happens at each of the seven layers (Physical, Data Link, Network, etc.)?
  • How does encapsulation and de-encapsulation work in data transmission?
  • What protocols operate at each layer (e.g., TCP, IP, HTTP, Ethernet)?

A step-by-step example of data being transmitted from a sender to a receiver using OSI model layers would be helpful.

Feb 26 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Anupam
• 12,620 points

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Understanding how data is transmitted through the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model is fundamental to grasping network communications. Let's explore your questions in detail:

1. What happens at each of the seven layers (Physical, Data Link, Network, etc.)?

The OSI model divides network communication into seven distinct layers, each with specific functions:

  1. Physical Layer:

    • Function: Transmits raw bit streams over a physical medium.
    • Details: Defines hardware specifications, including cables, switches, voltage levels, and data rates.
  2. Data Link Layer:

    • Function: Ensures reliable data transfer between two directly connected nodes.
    • Details: Packages raw bits into frames, manages error detection and correction, and controls data flow.
  3. Network Layer:

    • Function: Determines how data is sent to the receiving device.
    • Details: Manages logical addressing (e.g., IP addresses), routing, and forwarding of packets across networks.
  4. Transport Layer:

    • Function: Provides reliable data transfer between end systems.
    • Details: Manages segmentation, flow control, error detection, and correction.
  5. Session Layer:

    • Function: Manages sessions between applications.
    • Details: Establishes, maintains, and terminates sessions, ensuring synchronized data exchange.
  6. Presentation Layer:

    • Function: Translates data between the application layer and the network.
    • Details: Handles data encryption/decryption, compression, and translation of data formats.
  7. Application Layer:

    • Function: Provides network services directly to end-user applications.
    • Details: Facilitates services like email, file transfer, and web browsing.

2. How does encapsulation and de-encapsulation work in data transmission?

Encapsulation and de-encapsulation are processes that occur as data moves through the OSI layers:

  • Encapsulation (Sending Data):

    • Each layer adds its own header (and sometimes trailer) to the data from the layer above.
    • This process wraps the data with protocol-specific information, ensuring proper handling at each layer.
  • De-encapsulation (Receiving Data):

    • As data ascends the layers on the receiving end, each layer removes its corresponding header/trailer.
    • This process extracts the original data for the application layer.

3. Protocols Operating at Each Layer:

  • Layer 1: Physical Layer

    • Protocols: No specific protocols; standards like IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet) define physical layer specifications.
  • Layer 2: Data Link Layer

    • Protocols: Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), PPP, HDLC.
  • Layer 3: Network Layer

    • Protocols: IP (IPv4/IPv6), ICMP, OSPF.
  • Layer 4: Transport Layer

    • Protocols: TCP, UDP.
  • Layer 5: Session Layer

    • Protocols: NetBIOS, RPC.
  • Layer 6: Presentation Layer

    • Protocols: SSL/TLS, JPEG, MPEG.
  • Layer 7: Application Layer

    • Protocols: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DNS.

4. Step-by-Step Example of Data Transmission:

Consider a user sending an email:

  • Application Layer (Layer 7): The user composes an email using an email client, which uses SMTP to prepare the message.

  • Presentation Layer (Layer 6): The email content is converted into a standardized format; if encryption is used, the data is encrypted here.

  • Session Layer (Layer 5): Establishes a session between the user's email client and the email server.

  • Transport Layer (Layer 4): The message is broken into segments, and a TCP header is added to each segment, ensuring reliable transmission.

  • Network Layer (Layer 3): Each segment is encapsulated into a packet with IP headers, containing source and destination IP addresses.

  • Data Link Layer (Layer 2): Packets are framed with headers and trailers, including MAC addresses, for delivery over the local network.

  • Physical Layer (Layer 1): Frames are converted into electrical or optical signals and transmitted over the physical medium (e.g., Ethernet cable).

At the receiving end, the process is reversed:

  • Physical Layer (Layer 1): Receives the signals and reconstructs the frames.

  • Data Link Layer (Layer 2): Verifies the frames and extracts the packets.

  • Network Layer (Layer 3): Processes the packets, checking IP addresses, and passes the segments to the Transport Layer.

  • Transport Layer (Layer 4): Reassembles the segments into the complete message and ensures data integrity.

  • Session Layer (Layer 5): Manages the session between the email server and the recipient's client.

  • Presentation Layer (Layer 6): Decrypts and formats the message for the application.

  • Application Layer (Layer 7): The recipient's email client presents the email to the user.

This layered approach allows for modular troubleshooting and development, as each layer handles a specific aspect of the communication process.

answered Feb 26 by CaLLmeDaDDY
• 22,940 points

edited Mar 6

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