To programmatically overlay AI-generated images onto the Windows 11 wallpaper using C++ and Qt, you can use the following steps:
- Get the current wallpaper: Use Windows API to retrieve the current wallpaper.
- Load the generated image: Use Qt to load the AI-generated image.
- Overlay the images: Combine the wallpaper and the generated image.
- Set the new wallpaper: Use Windows API to set the new wallpaper with the overlay.
Here are the steps you can follow:

In the above code, we are using the following key points:
- QPixmap: Used to load and manipulate images (wallpaper and generated image).
- QPainter: Overlays the generated image onto the wallpaper.
- Windows API (SystemParametersInfo): Sets the new wallpaper after overlaying.
Hence, by referring to the above, you can programmatically overlay AI-generated images onto the Windows 11 wallpaper using C and Qt.