To prevent underfitting when training GANs on small, complex datasets, You can follow the following steps:
- Data Augmentation: Apply transformations like rotations, flips, or color jitter to increase dataset diversity.
- Feature Matching Loss: Improve stability by aligning features between real and generated data.
- Pretrained Models: Use transfer learning by initializing the generator or discriminator with pre-trained weights.
- Regularization: Apply spectral normalization or weight decay to stabilize training.
- Progressive Growing: Train the GAN starting from lower resolutions and gradually increasing complexity.
Here is the code snippet you can refer to:
In the above code, we are using the following key points:
- Data Augmentation: Expands dataset diversity to reduce overfitting.
- Spectral Normalization: Stabilizes training and prevents exploding gradients.
- Transfer Learning: Leverages pre-trained weights to boost performance on small datasets.
- Feature Matching Loss: Aligns intermediate feature representations for better sample quality.
Hence, by referring to the above, you can prevent underfitting when training GANs on small, complex datasets