Steps to validate an Ethereum address using Joi:
Step 1: Install Joi
First, make sure you have Joi installed:
npm install joi
Step 2: Define a Custom Joi Validator for Ethereum Address
You can use Joi’s .pattern() method to create a regular expression pattern that matches an Ethereum address. The regular expression for an Ethereum address is:
It should start with 0x
It should be followed by exactly 40 hexadecimal characters (letters a-f, A-F, or digits 0-9).
Here's the code:
const Joi = require('joi');
// Define the Ethereum address validator
const ethereumAddressSchema = Joi.string().pattern(/^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$/, 'Ethereum Address')
.message('Invalid Ethereum address. The address should start with 0x and contain 40 hexadecimal characters.');
// Example usage:
const address = '0x5B4d1b8C26A828F52C2E8B4c4C5F3e6f9077f18a';
const result = ethereumAddressSchema.validate(address);
if (result.error) {
console.log(result.error.details[0].message); // Validation error message
} else {
console.log('Valid Ethereum address');
Step 3: Run and Test
If the address matches the pattern, the validation will pass, and you will see "Valid Ethereum address" printed in the console. If it fails (e.g., an invalid Ethereum address is provided), it will print the custom error message.
Example Invalid Address
const invalidAddress = '0x12345'; // Too short
const invalidResult = ethereumAddressSchema.validate(invalidAddress);
if (invalidResult.error) {
console.log(invalidResult.error.details[0].message); // "Invalid Ethereum address..."
} else {
console.log('Valid Ethereum address');