What are the various blockchain smart contracts platforms

+15 votes

I am new to blockchain technologies and working on a project of a smart contract based on blockchain .

I want to know what are the platforms available ? Can you tell me the point of comparison??

Mar 27, 2018 in Blockchain by Shashank
• 10,400 points

2 answers to this question.

+3 votes
Best answer

While Ethereum is the most popular platform for writing contracts, it is not the only one. The following are some of the other platforms used for writing smart contracts

Bitcoins: Bitcoin uses Script that has limited capabilities when processing documents. The Scripts are specifically designed to process Bitcoin transactions.

Hyperledger Fabric: In Fabric, Chaincode is programmatic code deployed on the network, where it is executed and validated by chain validators together during the consensus process.

NXT: It's a public blockchain platform that contains a limited selection of templates for smart contracts. You have to use what is given, you can’t write your own code.

Side Chains: Side chains enhances Blockchains performance and privacy protections. They also add capabilities like smart contracts, secure handles, and real-world property registry.

answered Mar 27, 2018 by Johnathon
• 9,090 points

selected Jul 27, 2018 by Omkar
+4 votes

Adding to the previous answer, I would like to mention some more platforms:

Neo: Neo platform was the first to open-source Blockchain launched in China. It is also known as Chinese Ethereum.

Stratis (STRAT): Stratis is mainly known to offer end-to-end solution for C# Blockchain applications. It is to easy to build decentralized Blockchain using Stratis.

Lisk: If you are finding it hard to write smart contract using complex languages, then Lisk is also solution. Lisk was mainly introduced to make it easy to write smart contracts. It uses Javascript and so is easy write contracts.

EOS: EOS is one of the most powerful infrastructures for decentralized applications. EOS intents to provide every feature that a developer may need to build a powerful decentralized applications.

answered Jul 27, 2018 by Omkar
• 69,220 points

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