To select distinct values from multiple fields in MongoDB, you typically use the aggregate method along with the $group stage. Here's a step-by-step approach to achieve this:
- Understand the Data Structure: Make sure you know the fields from which you want to get distinct values. For example, let's say you have a collection named products with fields like category and brand.
- Use the Aggregate Function: The aggregation framework can be used to retrieve distinct values across multiple fields. This involves grouping the results based on the fields you're interested in.
- Write the Aggregation Query: Here's a basic example of using the product collection. The goal is to get distinct combinations of category and brand:
$group: {
_id: {
category: "$category",
brand: "$brand"
$project: {
_id: 0,
category: "$_id.category",
brand: "$_id.brand"
In this query:
To give an example, the purpose of a group is to create a group for each distinct pair of category and brand, instantiated as an object inside _id.
The purpose of the $project stage is to change the structure of the output so that the _id field is omitted while only the category and brand information are included.
Run the Query: Run this query on your MongoDB shell or in application code that talks to the MongoDB database. The output will contain a distinct list of the values of the fields specified.
Check the Results: You should obtain an array of documents containing pairs of categories and brands.
In this way, you will be able to remove duplicates in any number of columns in MongoDB, which will improve data analysis.