I have a solidity contract with a mapping table. I am mapping an id(uint) to hash values. I am able to return hash value from id but now I wanna do it the other way around, i.e., get id from hash value. Here's the code that I am using:
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
contract Hash {
bytes32 comphash;
struct hashstruct {
bytes32 fhash;
mapping (uint => hashstruct) hashstructs;
uint[] public hashAccts;
function setinstructor(uint _uint,string _fhash) public {
var a = hashstructs[_uint];
a.fhash = sha256(_fhash);
hashAccts.push(_uint) -1;
function getInstructor(uint ins) view public returns (bytes32) {
return (hashstructs[ins].fhash);
function count() view public returns (uint) {
return hashAccts.length;
How can i do it?