Is there a way to create a list that auto populates with the the required articles

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I am a UI/UX designer and I have taken on a new project to overhaul our Zendesk. I have no experience but I am learning on the fly, I have already built a custom sidebar navigation and now my problem is this:

Is there a way to have the sidebar auto populate with the categories and articles from our knowledge base? I assume there is a way to do this, otherwise that would mean every time I upload a new document to our knowledge base I will also have to go back into the code and add the href with the link and title to the sidebar nav html and I'm certain that's not the way this works. I'm happy to do the research but I don't know what to search for, I've tried researching auto populating lists etc. but nothing matches my need. I can manually input every article into the side bar and it functions beautifully, I just figured there was an actual way to automate this once the code is input.

Thank you in advance,


Apr 27, 2023 in UI UX Design by Ashwini
• 5,430 points

1 answer to this question.

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Yes, there are several ways to auto-populate a list with the required articles from a knowledge base. One possible solution is to use the Zendesk API to retrieve the list of categories and articles and dynamically generate the sidebar navigation based on the data returned. This would eliminate the need to manually add the href links to the sidebar nav HTML every time a new document is uploaded to the knowledge base.

Another possible solution is to use a third-party plugin or extension that is specifically designed to integrate with Zendesk and provide auto-population of the sidebar navigation. There are several options available, depending on the specific requirements and platform being used.

It's also worth noting that there may be built-in features or settings within the Zendesk platform that can be used to achieve this functionality without the need for custom code or plugins. It may be worth exploring the documentation or reaching out to Zendesk support for guidance on this.

answered Apr 27, 2023 by Anitha

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