Modify table data in excel sheet by userform

0 votes

When I click on any item in the listbox in the image's userform, all of the data will be filed into the textbox when I use it to add and amend data to tables.

enter image description here

But modify Button(Edit) the code is referring to columns so I want to make the code refer to the table name instead of the columns

The code

Private Sub CmdUpdate_Click()

Dim zz As Range
Dim rr As Range
Dim c As Range
Dim old_name, new_name, fname, new_mr, fmr

Dim EditRow As Cells

Set editBev = Data.ListObjects("T_Beverage")


If Me.comDepartment.Text = "" Or Me.txtItemName.Text = "" Or Me.txtPrice.Text = "" _
  Or Me.comUnit.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter data  ", vbCritical, "Inventory program "
Exit Sub
End If

Set ww = Application.WorksheetFunction

old_name = Me.TxtEditItem.Value
new_name = Me.txtItemName.Text
'===== no change in name
If new_name = old_name Then GoTo 5

fname = ww.CountIf(Data.Range("T_Food[[Item Name]]"), new_name)
fname = ww.CountIf(Data.Range("T_Beverage[[#All],[Item Name]]"), new_name)
fname = ww.CountIf(Data.Range("T_Other[[#All],[Item Name]]"), new_name)

If fname >= 1 Then: MsgBox "  This name already exists  ", vbCritical, "Inventory Program ": Exit Sub

5 Application.ScreenUpdating = False

  Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'==change in data table====
With Data
.Unprotect ("0000")

If Me.comDepartment.Value = "Food" Then

For Each c In Data.Range("T_Food[[#All],[Item Name]]") 
If old_name = c Then GoTo 1
Apr 2, 2023 in Others by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

1 answer to this question.

0 votes

Try this:

Private Sub CmdUpdate_Click()
    Const PW As String = "000" 'using const for fixed values
    Dim allTables(), lo As ListObject, rw As ListRow, tName
    allTables = Array("T_Food", "T_Beverage", "T_Other")
    If Me.comDepartment.Text = "" Or Me.txtItemName.Text = "" Or _
       Me.txtPrice.Text = "" Or Me.comUnit.Text = "" Then
        MsgBox "Please enter data  ", vbCritical, "Inventory program "
        Exit Sub
    End If
    old_name = Me.TxtEditItem.Value
    new_name = Me.txtItemName.Text
    If new_name <> old_name Then
        'see if the new name already exists in any of the tables
        If Not AnyTableRowMatch(allTables, "Item Name", new_name) Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "The new name '" & new_name & "' already exists  ", _
                   vbCritical, "Inventory Program "
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    'select the correct table
    Select Case Me.comDepartment.Value
        Case "Food": tName = "T_Food"
        Case "Beverage": tName = "T_Beverage"
        Case "Other": tName = "T_Other"
    End Select
    'find the record being edited
    Set rw = TableRowMatch(Data.ListObjects(tName), "Item Name", old_name)
    If Not rw Is Nothing Then
        Data.Unprotect PW
        'update the row
        rw.DataBodyRange.Value = Array(Me.txtCode.Text, new_name, _
                                    Me.txtCode.Text, Me.comUnit.Text, _
                                    Me.txtPrice.Text, Me.TxtSalePrice.Text, _
        Data.Protect Password:=PW
        MsgBox "Edited row not found!"
    End If
End Sub

'find any matching row in tables with names in `arrTableNames`
Function AnyTableRowMatch(arrTableNames, colName, colValue) As ListRow
    Dim el, rw As ListRow
    For Each el In arrTableNames
        Set rw = TableRowMatch(Data.ListObjects(el), colName, colValue)
        If Not rw Is Nothing Then
            Set AnyTableRowMatch = rw
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next el
End Function

'Find any matching row for value `colValue` in listobject `1o`, column `colName`
'  Returns Nothing if no match
Function TableRowMatch(lo As ListObject, colName, colValue) As ListRow
    Dim el, lo As ListObject, loCol As ListColumn, lr As ListRow, m
    Set loCol = lo.ListColumns(colName)
    m = Application.Match(colValue, loCol.DataBodyRange, 0)
    If Not IsError(m) Then Set TableRowMatch = lo.ListRows(m)
End Function
answered Apr 2, 2023 by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

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